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608-363-0873        Beloit, WI

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As of November 2, 2021, the following enhanced health and safety protocols for all US Sports Congress events are in effect:


  • No test will be required prior to arrival at the US Sports Congress. If you are feeling ill, have a temperature, cough, sore throat, runny nose, we strongly suggest that you do not travel and/or consider being tested before you depart. There are thousands of testing locations nationwide, including major drugstore chains such as Walgreens and CVS. If you have trouble locating a convenient testing location, your local or county health department or can provide resources for finding testing locations that will provide your results in the 72-hour-or-less window.


  • Limited testing will be available on site by certified personnel. A limited number of rapid tests (antigen) will be available onsite and testing will be conducted on both Monday & Tuesday during normal business hours. In the event of a positive antigen test, a PCR will be required to confirm. Staff can provide a list of providers in the area.


  • While on-site, attendees will be encouraged to wear face masks while indoors, regardless of vaccination status.  Social distancing is also always recommended. While attending outdoor functions, it is recommended that attendees wear face masks (except while eating and drinking) and maintain social distancing. A limited supply of masks will be available at the event. The Hyatt requires that all attendees who are not vaccinated wear a mask while indoor.


  • All attendees will be required to sign a waiver on-site.


  • We will continue to monitor federal, state and local recommendations and will update these protocols and measures as appropriate.


   Additional On-Site Safety Protocols & Recommendations:


  • Enhanced Cleaning: All venues and sites where participants will gather will undergo enhanced cleaning protocols before, during and after our events.


  • Personal Hygiene: Hand-washing facilities and hand-sanitizing stations will be provided at all hotels and venues.


  • Physical Distance: Six feet of separation from other individuals not within the same household is recommended—particularly in waiting areas, lobbies, busses, or other areas where people may congregate.


  • Cleanliness & Sanitation: Attendees are encouraged to wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. For your convenience, hand sanitizer dispensers are located throughout the meeting space and hands-free soap dispensers and paper towel dispensers in public restrooms.


  • High Risk Individuals: Individuals 65 years or older, people of all ages with poor control of medical issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, or a weakened immune system are at a higher risk for getting very sick or dying from COVID-19 and should strictly adhere to all CDC guidelines.


      For any other questions or concerns regarding your participation in the US Sports Congress or the                        Economic Development & Sports Tourism Summit please email Lou Mengsol at:    or call (608) 363-0873

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